CPAP Machines For Sale in Hagerstown, MD

A CPAP Machine On A Nightstand

More About CPAP Machines

When you have a respiratory condition that makes it difficult to get a good night of sleep, it’s important to find a solution that offers the relief you require. At Family Care Home Medical Equipment, we’re proud to offer a wide range of options, including a great selection of CPAP machines for sale in Hagerstown, Maryland. Read on to learn about the options, then stop by and see us to browse the models. Our staff is available to answer your questions and help you choose the right product for your needs.

Let’s start by covering some of the basics. A continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine is a device that helps sleep apnea patients breathe more easily and regularly throughout the night. It works by increasing the air pressure in your throat while preventing your airway from collapsing when you inhale. Some models have a ramp feature, which starts the machine at a low-pressure setting. As the night goes on, your CPAP machine will gradually increase to the prescribed pressure level. This is a useful feature for those who find the immediate burst of pressure on standard models to be overwhelming.

Philips Respironics Nasal Mask

Nasal Masks

You’ll also need to choose a mask to use with your device. One option to consider is a nasal mask, which is extremely lightweight and does not require forehead support. This is the best choice for those who want to sleep quietly without any noisy disruptions. The compact design will reduce facial contact while still providing you with a secure seal for maximum stability. If you want to be able to move freely while you sleep, a nasal mask is the best option.

Philips Respironics DreamStation Go CPAP

Philips Respironics® CPAP Machines

One popular device to consider is a Philips Respironics® CPAP machine. For example, the DreamStation is a sleep therapy device that comes with a patient-driven design. You’ll enjoy superior comfort that enhances your overall experience. These CPAP machines are informative, quiet, and highly responsive. The slim and sleek profile is perfect for those who are always on the go and need to bring their equipment with them. The user-friendly menu combined with the front-facing display make it easy to navigate while you’re sitting up or lying down.

If you’d like more information, contact us at Family Care Home Medical Equipment. We’d be happy to show you our inventory, which includes a wide variety of nasal masks and CPAP machines for sale in Hagerstown, Maryland. We also serve those in Frederick.

Contact Family Care Home Medical Equipment

Please feel free to contact us or stop in today for all your medical equipment needs! Call us at (301) 671-4775 or contact us below.